Drop In Classes
Beverly Hills Tennis offers Adult classes all year long. We are now proud to offer an array of drop in classes throughout the year as well!

You will now be able to sign up for our Drop In Classes in advance online.
Each week on Fridays at 12pm, sign ups will be released.
Winter Session Drop Ins will be:
January 6 - March 30, 2025
Not sure until the day of if you can make it, not to worry! You still have the option of coming in person the day of to sign up, AS LONG AS THERE IS STILL SPACE. Simply check the website to make sure there are still open spots and come on out and play!
Please note, your Drop In sign ups are non-refundable, so don't sign up unless you're sure you can make it!
Classes are held at La Cienega Tennis Center unless noted otherwise
If your chosen class is full at time of registration, please email bhtwaitlist@yahoo.com to place yourself on the waitlist for any openings
All those registered in Group Classes will receive a store credit for any missed classes due to rain. There are no makeup classes. There are no refunds.
Classes have a maximum of 6 players.
Live Ball and Monday/Wednesday 12pm Drop Ins have a maximum of 8 players.
$32 for 1 hour classes, $40 for 1.5 hour classes, and $64 for 2 hour classes.
No Classes on the following dates:
Levels 1.0-5.0 are based on the USTA definition of adult tennis levels.
Instructors and class level are subject to change.
Players must be at the level listed or may be moved by instructor.
*Instuctors and class schedule subject to change
If you believe you have credit, please email

Beginner - 1.0
These players are new to the game of tennis or has taken on beginner class session before.
What to expect in this class:
Names and parts of the racket court
Beginning fundamentals and strokes—forehand, backhand, volley, and serve
Basic tennis footwork
Ability will be determined by an instructor for class

Advanced Beginner - 2.0
These players have basic knowledge of all shots. They have taken at least 1-2 beginner class sessions before and/or have been told by their tennis instructor to move up to an advanced beginner level.
What to expect in this class:
Further stroke development
Transition from baseline to net
Consistency, rally, and placement drills
Scoring and advanced serving
Footwork and movement drills
Ability will be determined by an instructor for class

Intermediate - 3.0
These players have a consistnt ability to hit all shots, and are learning to contruct points. They have taken at least 3-4 advanced beginner classes and/or have been told by their tennis instructor to move up to an intermediate level.
What to expect in this class:
Advanced strokes including spins, slice, lobs, touch and out of the air
Strategy for point play
Depth and control of the court
Preparation for JCP and tournament play

JCP Prep - 4.0
These players are competitive tournament level players. They have a strong grasp on different types of spins, slices, and other stroke production. They have played consistently at a strong 3.0+ level for over a year and/or has been told by their tennis instructor to move up to an advanced 4.0 level.
What to expect in this class:
Competitive point play
High intensity workout
Advanced footwork, placement, and drills