Monday 11/20 5pm 2.5 Doubles
Monday 11/20 5pm 2.5 Doubles
Adult Thanksgiving Week Drop Ins
November 20 - 26, 2023
Not sure until the day of if you can make it, not to worry! You still have the option of coming in person the day of to sign up, AS LONG AS THERE IS STILL SPACE. Simply check the website to make sure there are still open spots and come on out and play!
- Classes have a maximum of 6 Students. Doubles classes have a maximum of 8.
- Must play at level listed. Level descriptions at
- $32 per hour.
- No make ups, credits, or refunds for unforseen schedule conflicts, or missed classes. In the event of rain, store credit will be issued. Online registration in advanced to ensure spot in class.
Class Descriptions
Point Play - These classes are for playing out points. Points are fed and scores are kept by pro. Limited instruction. Feedback based on play.
Fed Ball Drills - These classes are focused on drills fed by the pro to work on a variety of strokes. These classes offer more feedback and instruction.
Drills and Play - A combination of the classes above. There is a mix of drilling with feedback, followed by practicing new skills in point play.
Match Play (with serves) - Pro is on court to organize and facilitate matches between players. Singles and doubles. Feedback based on play.
Cardio Tennis (with music) - A fast moving drill class focused on getting the heart pumping, and keep the feet moving. Limited instruction.
Live Ball - A fast paced doubles game with it’s own unique format. Limited instruction, and feedback based on play.
Fundamentals - Technique focused classes. These are slower paced with a lot of instruction.
Doubles (with Serves) - Playing out points to learn and practice doubles strategy and fundametals. Feedback based on play.